QA Checklist for Review of BMR and BPR

QA Checklist for Review of BMR
Product Name:  
Batch No. Batch Size:  
Sr. No.
Item to be checked Inference of Q.A. Personnel Remarks    
1 BMR is an accurate reproduction of current Master Manufacturing Record Yes / No      
2 All the issued pages are available. Yes / No      
3 Dispensed and checked by BMR against each raw material are signed, dated by concerned personnel. Yes / No      
4 Any extra material produced through supplementary material requisition with proper justification. Yes / No      
5 Batch Number Mentioned correctly on all pages. Yes / No      
6 Correct manufacturing date and expiry date is assigned. Yes / No      
7 Adjustment of Quantity of active ingredients as per instructions in batch records. Complete/ incomplete      
8 Issuing of raw materials. Complete/ incomplete      
9 Weighing record of raw materials. Complete/ incomplete    
 10 Material details labels. Complete/ incomplete      
11 Area cleaning and clearance record. Complete/ incomplete      
12 Equipment cleaning and clearance. Complete/ incomplete      
13 BMR manufacturing instruction: All manufacturing instructions followed and accurately documented with respect to identify of equipment used mixing, drying, loading and blending time durations, etc. with sign,  and date of personnel performed the activity and checked by supervisor.   Complete/ incomplete      
14 Environmental conditions are with in the specified limits. Complete/ incomplete      
15 In-process check records during tablet compression.    Complete/ incomplete      
16 In-process check records during coating. Complete/ incomplete      
17 In-process check records during capsule filling. Complete/ incomplete      
18 Details of sampling performed. Complete/ incomplete      
19 Phase wise yield reconciliation done. Complete/ incomplete      
20 If yield is out side the limit is investigated and justified. Complete/ incomplete      
21 Any deviations / CCP are appropriately documented investigated and disposed. Complete / incomplete      
22 No. of additional page issued in BMR      

Q.A. Checklist for Review of BPR  
Product Name:  
Batch No. Batch Size:  
Sr. No.
Item to be checked Inference of Q.A. Personnel Remarks
1 BPR is completed. Yes / No  
2 Finished Goods Transfer Details. Complete / incomplete  
3 All the columns of “Done by and checked by” are filled in BPR.  Complete / incomplete  
4 Issuing of packaging material. Complete / incomplete  
5 Verification of description and quantity of packaging material. Complete / incomplete  
6 Packaging area / equipment cleaning and clearance. Complete / incomplete  
7 BPR- packaging instruction: all packaging instruction steps filled out referencing equipment used, quantities, packed, signed and dated of personnel who perform the activity and checked by supervisor. Complete / incomplete  
8 Expiry date assigned correctly and mentioned in all packaging records. Complete / incomplete  
9 Specimen of coded labeling and literature. Complete / incomplete  
10 In-process checks during packing operation. Complete / incomplete  
11 Sample collection record. Complete / incomplete  
12 Labels and packaging materials reconciliation record. Complete / incomplete  
13 Review of finished product analytical records / other analytical records if any. Complete / incomplete  14 Analytical results and yield at every stage is as per the norms. Yes / No  
15 Finished product release report. Complete / incomplete  
16 Any deviations / CCP are appropriately documented, investigated and disposed. Complete / incomplete  
17 Yield reconciliation in BPR Complete / incomplete  
18 If Yield is out side the limit, if investigated and justified Complete / incomplete  
19 No. of additional page issued in BPR      

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