Red Flags during Inspection a brief Summary

  • data that is too good to be true.
  • discrepancy between the electronic data versus Raw data.
  • dated do not match i.e in chromatograms versus actual analysis was performed.
  • Integration parameters were not traceable and retrievable.
  • integration parameters being different for standard versus sample in same injection run .
  • audit trail are not turn on and lack of periodic review.
  • injection sequence not properly documented, repeat analysis,picking the best results.
  • Raw electronic data not containing a unique identifier and absence of clear guidelines.
  • lack of basic access control and security measures allowing unauthorised changes.
  • shared users login ,missing and disabled audit trail .
  • lack of contemporaneous activity recording.
  • failure to investigate data discrepancy.
  • Testing into compliance e.g interim analysis and trial run .
  • incomplete collection , retention and review of data for quality decisions.
  • overwriting or deletion of original data .

-If sample angle is less than the threshold angle it indicates purity of the peak .

  • if sample angle is greater than the threshold angle it gives improper peak purity.

-Sample contrast 53 degree, 10 degree and 0.5 degree.