SOP for Personal Protective Equipment


To lay down the procedure to protect employees from workplace hazards such as machines, substandard condition and hazardous substances that can causes injury or illness. When all other means of protections are not effective, the use of PPEs Sometimes the preferred means of protection.


The scope of the procedure is to giving the outline that mean the use of PPEs & how it will protect the employees from the recognized hazards & make employees aware of the issue procedure of personal protective equipment.


Employees/Contract Workmen/Project Workmen :  

All are responsible for proper use of PPEs at site.

Dept. Head :

Ensure the use of required & necessary PPEs in the area.


Head – EHS :

For Check, Review, GAP assessment & implementation of SOP at site.

Head – QA :

For Check, Review, GAP assessment, approval & ensure the proper implementation of SOP at site.

Head – Operations: 

Shall accountable for proper implementation of SOP at site.


Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as “PPE”, is equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. These injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards. Personal protective equipment may include items such as gloves, safety glasses and shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, or coveralls, vests and full body suits.

All personal protective equipment should be safely designed and constructed, and should be maintained in a clean and reliable fashion. It should fit comfortably, encouraging worker use. If the personal protective equipment does not fit properly, it can make the difference between being safely covered or dangerously exposed. When engineering, work practice, and administrative controls are not feasible or do not provide sufficient protection, employers must provide personal protective equipment to their workers and ensure its proper use. Employers are also required to train each worker required to use personal protective equipment to know:

  • When it is necessary
  • What kind is necessary
  • How to properly put it on, adjust, wear and take it off
  • The limitations of the equipment
  • Proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of the equipment

If PPE is to be used, a PPE program should be implemented. This program should address the hazards present; the selection, maintenance, and use of PPE; the training of employees; and monitoring of the program to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.

Components of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Gloves. Gloves help protect you when directly handling potentially infectious materials or contaminated surfaces.
  • Gowns.
  • Shoe and Head Covers
  • Masks and Respirators.
  • Other Face and Eye Protection.

10 Example of PPEs :

The different types of PPE include face shields, gloves, goggles and glasses, gowns, head covers, masks, respirators, and shoe covers. Face shields, gloves, goggles and glasses, gowns, head covers, and shoe covers protect against the transmission of germs through contact and droplet routes.

PPE used in healthcare includes gloves, aprons, long sleeved gowns, goggles, fluid-repellant surgical masks, face visors and respirator masks. The initial risk assessment of whether or not PPE is required is based on the level of risk of transmission to and from the patient.

Nine different Personal Protective Equipment-

The different types of PPE include:

  • Head and scalp protection;
  • Respiratory protection;
  • Eye protection;
  • Hearing protection;
  • Hand and arm protection;
  • Foot and leg protection;
  • Body protection;
  • Height and access protection.

PPE, or Personal Protective Equipment, helps prevent staff emergencies on the job due to inhalation, absorption, irritants, or other prolonged contact with a cleaning chemical. This actively reduces accidents, improves the health of your employees, and makes for a safer, secure work environment.

safety equipment is the protection that is used by workers to avoid injuries, casualties, life threatening situations etc..

Different types of safety equipment are used by workers depending upon the nature of risk involved in the work.


Hazard assessment of the work place and procedures (Identifying hazards and determining which PPEs will protect the employee). Work place hazard assessment should be performed by the job supervisor.

Selection of personal protective equipment (PPEs)

  • Hazard of the work place has to be identified.
  • Select the new or additional equipment that ensure the level of protection that greater than the minimum required to protect the employee from the hazards.
  • Careful consideration must be given to comfort and fit of PPEs to ensure that it will be used.
  • PPEs must confirm to update Indian standards.

Employee training (when PPEs is required, proper use of PPEs, limitations, cleaning and storage)

  • Before doing work requiring use of Personal protective equipment.
  • Employees must be trained to know when personal protective equipment is necessary.
  • What type is necessary; how it is to be worn; and what its limitations are, as well as know its proper care,maintenance, useful life etc.

Procedure to be followed for stocking, issue and disposal of personal protective equipments.

  • Personal protective equipment required to be used in the plant should be procured on need basis and accordingly stocked in general stores.
  • Concerned user department should get issued the required quantity of Personal protective equipments from general stores on issue slip. General / Engineering stores should maintain sufficient inventory of personal protective equipments.   
  • Personal protective equipments should be stored in the PPEs boxes and PPEs box should be available in all areas with required PPEs.
  • Personal protective equipments shall be issued from general / engineering stores on old return basis.
  • For fresh issue of PPEs permission of safety in charge is essential.
  • Discard, damaged, unsuitable PPEs as per standard operating procedure for destroying other material.


Annexure-01 :  List of Personal Protective Equipment


SOP   :    Standard Operating Procedure

PPE   :     Personnel Protective Equipment

QA   : Quality Assurance

QC  : Quality Control

EHS  :     Environment, Health & Safety


Personal protective equipment is addressed in specific OSHA standards for general industry, maritime, and construction. OSHA requires that many categories of personal protective equipment meet or be equivalent to standards developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

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